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Die Geschichte der Isarflossfahrt

The Isarflossfahrt has a long and fascinating history that dates back to the 19th century. Originally, the Isar was used as an important transport route to bring wood from the forests of the Bavarian Alps to nearby towns. The raftsmen used wooden rafts to travel down the Isar and transport their valuable goods.

In the course of time, the Isar river trip developed into a popular tourist attraction. Visitors from all over the world embark on a scenic journey along the Isar to enjoy the breathtaking nature and idyllic landscapes. Traveling on traditional wooden rafts offers a unique experience that takes visitors back in time.

Today, the Isar river trip is not only a tourist highlight, but also an important part of the regional cultural heritage. Events and festivals take place annually to celebrate the tradition of the Isar raft trip. The raftsmen proudly wear their historical costumes and introduce visitors to the art of raft building and rafting.

In addition to its touristic significance, the Isar River Floss also plays an ecological role. It helps protect the natural habitats along the river and sensitizes people to the importance of environmental protection.

The history of the Isarflossfahrt is rich in tradition, culture and nature experiences. From its humble beginnings as a means of transport to its current prominence as a tourist highlight and cultural heritage, the Isarflossfahrt is a fascinating part of Bavarian history and an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages.


Isar raft trips are first mentioned in the historical records of Bavaria in the 12th century, in the late Salian-early Swabian period. In the era of the first economic growth, the Isar played a central role as the main trade route, mainly due to the founding of the cities of Munich - anno 1158 - and Landshut - anno 1204.


Rafting reached another peak in the course of industrialisation, when it was highly profitable: in the mid-19th century, more than 8.000 rafts a year went down the Isar. The turning of the tide came towards the end of the 19th century. With the rise of new means of transport like steamers and railroads, rafting as a trade became obsolete. Nowadays, log rafts are used for pleasure trips only.


Durch die Industrialisierung erlebte die Isar Floßfahrt anno 1840 - 1880 ihre kommerzielle Blütezeit. In München registrierte man in manchen Jahren mehr als 8000 Flöße. Doch die Eisenbahn und Dampfschiffahrt brachte die Wende für den Waren- und - Passagiertransport über die Isar. Viele Flößer wurden arbeitslos.


With the outbreak of the Second World War, rafting came to an abrupt end for the time being and so the rafters' monument was erected in Hinterbrühl, which can be seen today shortly before arriving in Thalkirchen. Today, only three remaining rafting families have the rights to navigate the Isar and the canal.


There were almost only pleasure trips on the Isar instead. In order to be able to supply the city of Munich with electricity, the Isar Canal was built at the beginning of the Third Reich. Nevertheless, the Isar raft trip fitted very well into the National Socialist concept and it was rediscovered as a popular, traditional pastime for Bavarians. The Isar valley began to develop touristically.


While rafting on the Isar used to be possible from Lenggries, since the hydroelectric power plants were built at the Sylvenstein reservoir and Walchensee in Wolfratshausen, they end at the large raft landing in Thalkirchen. However, the rafters’ guild still exists today and “nothing works” without the raftsmen. The raft master is still in charge and still trains his raft guides today, just like in the good old days.
